Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Advent Week 1: Into wilderness

See, I am sending my messenger 
before your face,
who will prepare your way;
the voice of one
crying in the wilderness . . . 

MARK 1:2-3  

Perhaps it was only in the wilderness of the Jordan River that John the Baptist's message could be heard and understood. People had to leave behind the comforts of home, the noise of daily living and their carefully oiled mechanisms for control. They needed to walk out into a place that had a reputation for being dangerous and unnerving for its utter unfamiliarity and emptying silence. They had to accept such exposure before they could fully turn toward a life they had never known or expected.

Perhaps it is only in the wilderness that we hear and understand some new thing, a new birth that is waiting but cannot yet be perceived. The wilderness of not knowing, not seeing, not controlling is present, sometimes at the margins of our living and sometimes it seems to be everywhere we look. Always it invites us to willingly traverse its reaches and prepare to turn, and turn yet again.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

First Sunday of Advent 2016

Deo gratias

For early morning when darkness
is slow to leave, and a candle flame
reveals the persistence of light,

Deo gratias,
thanks be to God.

For the maple tree’s feisty root
pushing up through my sidewalk,
and all the messy forcefulness of life,

Deo gratias,
thanks be to God.

For the losses we must bear
and the friends who will not let us
carry the burden of grief alone,

Deo gratias,
thanks be to God.

For the one I want to name “my enemy”
and the mirror he may be to my own
unholy words, my own shameful actions,

Deo gratias,
thanks be to God.

For the injury, the illness, the wound,
and what these might teach us about
receiving a neighbor’s love,

Deo gratias,
thanks be to God.

For disappointed hopes and unfulfilled
dreams, and the doorways they
become to new possibilities,

Deo gratias,
thanks be to God.

For the eventide of this day and of this life,
when the Mystery of all mysteries grows near
and life glows most precious and full,

Deo gratias,
thanks be to God.

For this moment—
for this uncommon moment—
and for our common life,

Deo gratias,
thanks be to God.

When even the shadows can heal

           Yet more than ever believers were added to the Lord, great numbers of both men and women, so that they even carried out the sick...